Saturday, February 21, 2009

Internet Blocks in the Classroom

My first post comes from the heart and i find is mighty important, don't be affraid to prove me wrong. But trust me, my views are pretty strong!

So as I'm doing my research in travel & tourism on Maui, i kept clicking on forum talks on google about my topic, but kept getting blocked saying "this site is categorized as: webchat", which I thought was pretty ridiculous. I realize though that webchat such as facebook and stuff can be pretty distracting in the class and that it was in the best interest in the board to block it, (because of the actions of those who don't know how to find a balance between work and play, not being able to use webchat sparingly and moderately).

HOWEVER, as i'm skimming through each result i came accross another blocked site that said "this site is categorized as: hate speech".

Now I'm not a raccist; I'm a Canadian born Orthadox Serb who believes people from different cultures can live together in peace. But I also have a strong belief that every single person has their rights, and by the schoolboard censoring one person's views shared on the internet, they have trampelled the freedom of that person. Because of the beliefs of one or more person(s) in the board, another person's belief will never be heard by a single Hamilton student in the classroom, where study and mental growth is encouraged.

In conclusion to my thought, the board has no right silencing the words of another man's beliefs. This is an abomination to the Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms and no form of "big-brother" should have the choice whether or not to silence the words of anyone. Although many would say "how could you expose young kids to that?", I actually think about it and laugh when i come up with "how many minors are going to take time to read an article on hate in a classroom?". It's not the fact of the matter, it's the principle.

"I hate you for hating them, even if they hate all of us. But the fact I hate most is wanting to know why these haters hate other haters." - Dan Jovanic


  1. Well Dan i will have to disagree with your comments. I can understand that you get pissed of because the school board wont let you have extra access, but really they just dont give a damn. Take it this way 1)it's their(school board) computer that they brought so they can put as much boundaries as they want to. Its just like me coming into your house and wanting to use your computer. Im sure you would give me access to the Guest file and not your personal file. Now if you didnt have any restrictions on that computer how would you know if i just wanted to watch pornography on it. and lets just say this computer is in the living room and your parents are home. i come in watch some pornography while you and your family are having dinner. Hmm wouldn't that be disrespectful to you and your family. Now lets just say that i wasn't watching porno but instead a hate speach towards serbians. Hmm im pretty sure you would block those a guest file.
    p.s. u no i aint racis towards serbs or italians or albanians or whatever u are cuz im dark dark brown myself(u no who i is cuz i know who u is so dont be sayin my name cuz i dont want noone to get all happy and try to hack my already virus ridden computer)
    p.s.s nice blog. hey i need a job hook me up

  2. Mr. Dark, i totally dig what you're saying man and I'm not into bashing anyone. Alot of us come from different backgrounds in this region where alot of cultures clash.

    One kind of common people I hate are the kind that don't keep quiet for the national anthem. Like, come on man, if you live in this good of a country you can give a minute a morning for it I'm sure. - What if hate speech was made for that minority and put accross the internet. Would the board block it like that other unknown article? Wouldn't you join that cause yourself?

    Anyways, we're straying from the subject here man.. I see what you're saying. But the thing is there should be more of an open-mindedness in the school setting unlike home where certain beliefs are prevalent and vice-versa. For a branch of the government to silence a voice in an atmosphere of study is unconstitional. (again I'm not into hating other groups for whatever reason). But am I wrong for thinking that when the Canadian Charter says one thing and a form of government does the opposite for whatever reason.. isn't that hypocritical?

    Please tell me if I'm wrong.
